Support us

We need you to continue our actions, to give hope and future to those who need it.


The association guarantees the proper use of the funds collected and is responsible for the purchase of equipment and the coordination of work on site.


Our asset: more than 20 years of solidarity work, sealed by knowledge of the field, for innovative experiences and activities.

Join the association

By joining the Alsace-Laos association, you will join our large family that works for the village of Ban Nateui and its children.


Events will be organised (balls, shows...) to support the projects. On these occasions, you will be able to bring us your know-how in different fields. 


You will receive our news and will be asked to participate in our trips and workcamps on site.


You can join by completing and sending this form by post.


You can also participate in our actions by making a donation (see below) or by donating construction materials for our current site.


Make a donation

Here is what each of your donations will allow us to buy to continue our actions in Laos.


1 euro: 4 bricks

4 euros: a bag of green cement

5 euros: a bag of red cement

5 euros: 3kg of nails

14 euros: a window

19 euros: one sheet metal

20 euros: a sand truck

24 euros: frames of two windows

30 euros: one pillar

34 euros: one door

43 euros: a gravel truck



To make a donation, you can make a transfer or send a cheque payable to the following RIB:

Account Owner: Hong Hienne Bane Hao Alsace Laos 

7 rue de la Loire 

68200 Mulhouse 




IBAN : FR76 1027 8030 0000 0890 3504 070



Our actions in France

To finance our humanitarian actions we organize events in the Great East. You can take part or recommend us to your acquaintances.

You can use the contact form at the bottom of this page to contact the president of the association.

Alsace Laos also has a Facebook page where you can follow the latest activities of the association:

Humanitarian in Laos

We need you in many areas.


Do you teach? You master an art, a discipline, you know how to play an instrument, you are skilled with your hands, you love children and want to transmit? Or would you simply like to give your time and are open to a new culture?


The people of Ban Nateui are waiting for you.


Do you have expertise in DIY or construction? We also need manpower on our various sites in Laos. 


Many French people have already come to contribute, whatever their talents. To organize a football tournament, teach the art of scoubidou, dance, drawing.... Your contribution is a treasure for the villagers, and your enthusiasm is a driving force for our association.


Browse the photo galleries of our projects to get a better idea of the work we do on site, and how you can make yourself useful!


For more information on our news, do not hesitate to contact us via the form at the bottom of this page.



Association Alsace Laos

At Bé Phouthavong's, Présidente,

7 rue de la Loire

68200 Mulhouse


Phone number :


You can also send us a message using the form below.


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